Make Health A Lifestyle Change

People are changing in Pittsburg, CA. They’re making lifestyle changes to maintain their health instead of waiting and fighting disease. You don’t have to spend thousands on prescription drugs or hours in the doctor’s office when you focus on remaining healthy. It’s all about staying at a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and avoiding toxins. It makes far more sense to keep the body at its best by using preventative means rather than attempting to fix the damage.

Some people take better care of their car than they do themselves.

If you have a car, you probably use the recommended fuel. It keeps the vehicle running at its best. If it’s setting for very long, you may have someone start it once a week or drive it around for ten to fifteen minutes. Your body needs the same care that your car gets. Whole foods without added sugar are the right fuel. Putting sugar or a soft drink in the tank instead of the appropriate fuel can destroy the vehicle and your body.

Just like the car, your body needs to move.

You’ll improve your body’s oxygen use and boost circulation with exercise. It strengthens muscles, boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure, increases good cholesterol and energy, helps you sleep, and helps control weight. Exercise can also stress your body and trigger more cortisol, but only if you stress your body to the max every day. Like a car, pushing it to the max too often negatively affects it. Dial it down on some days, focus on active recovery, and only push yourself hard once or twice a week. It’s all about being aware of your body.

Getting adequate hydration and sleep keeps you healthy.

Two simple changes can make a world of difference. Creating a sleep schedule and sticking to it can keep your circadian rhythm and body at peak performance. It’s heart healthy. Adequate hydration can also keep you at your best. Your body is mostly water. Even mild dehydration can make you feel exhausted and cloud your mind. In seniors, it can create the same symptoms as dementia. Drinking 20 ounces of water two to three hours before you exercise and another eight ounces a half hour before exercise helps keep you hydrated. Keep a bottle of water with you during exercise to sip.

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